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Le refuge ^_^ Index du Forum Demande Béta-testeurs Financial-Services-Cloud
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Mer Juin 19, 2024 8:35
Message Auteur Message
Dyson Cinetic Big-ball

Inscrit le: 22 Oct 2020
Messages: 25

Sujet du message:  Financial-Services-Cloud Répondre en citant

Financial Services Cloud
Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a specialized customer relationship management (CRM) platform tailored for financial services organizations, including banks, wealth managers, and insurance companies. It is designed to provide a comprehensive and integrated solution to drive stronger client relationships and deliver personalized, proactive advice to clients across various channels and devices.
Key Features and Functionality
Data Integration: Financial Services Cloud integrates data from core banking, wealth, and insurance platforms, unifying it around the customer to personalize engagement using purpose-built automation with industry-specific AI


Industry-Specific Applications: It offers prebuilt applications with user experiences and automations specifically designed for the financial services industry
AppExchange Integration: The platform supports integration with industry-specific applications available on the Salesforce AppExchange, catering to various financial services sectors such as wealth management, retail banking, commercial banking, and insurance carriers
Client Data Model: Financial Services Cloud provides a unique client data model at its core, offering firms access to all the information needed to strengthen client relationships
Benefits and Use Cases
Client Relationship Management: It enables financial services organizations to manage customer relationships effectively and gain a 360-degree view of their clients, facilitating personalized advice and deep insights at every stage of the sales process
Personalized Client Engagements: The platform empowers financial service providers to revolutionize customer engagement, streamline operations, and enable personalized experiences to meet evolving customer demands
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Le refuge ^_^ Index du Forum Demande Béta-testeurs Financial-Services-Cloud
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